Hey, I am Sandhya Rajput. The Girl Behind ItsBest10. I started this site to spread knowledge about Top10. I am a Master Degree Holder in Computer Applications.
Top 10 Vegetarian States in India When we speak of vegetarian percentage in india state wise, almost 29% of people are vegetarians in India. Although India seems to have a…
Top 10 Sugarcane Producing States in India Sugarcane is one of the most popular and delicious crops in India. India has an amazing climate to produce sugarcane throughout the year.…
Top 10 Agricultural States in India India is the second-largest producer of the agricultural products in the world like rice, wheat, several dry fruits, sugarcane, and largest producer of some…
Top 10 IT Export States in India India is the largest country for information technology in the world, and state wise software exports from India have contributed significantly to this…